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Throw Myself a Surprise Party? Are You Nuts?

by Skye Moody

Liv Fun: Vol 1 – Issue 2

OMG! You just made a hole-in-one, and nobody’s around to marvel with you. You call friends and they congratulate you, but in the end, what do they always celebrate about you?

Your age, of course.

How about the day you completed your first 5K? The time you lost 25 pounds and kept it off for, oh, a couple of months. The day you gave birth to triplets, and they get the presents every year.

The problem with other folks celebrating you is this: Quite often they don’t understand which moments you hold as the most significant in your life.

“Oh, sweetie, you made it to 70! Here’s to you, old duck.”

As if you’ve accomplished nothing more in your life than accumulating years. As if your parents just stood by while you had all the birth-day contractions.

Birthday celebrations, I’ve always believed, should be organized for those Noble Two who tangoed through the start-to-finish labor. Granted, part of the work might’ve involved sparky fun. The point is, it’s the atypical infant who contributes more than a few head butts, kicks and a yowl to that celebratory day.

You deserve to celebrate what you wish to honor.

Then, too, lots of us are alone. We live alone; sometimes we don’t see another soul for days at a time. Our friends may be delighted to hang with us, and even throw a birthday party at us. Still, that’s different than celebrating our life’s most prized achievements.

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Liv Fun

by Leisure Care
Summer 2012
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Throw Myself a Surprise Party? Are You Nuts? 
by Skye Moody

You just made a hole-in-one, and nobody’s around to marvel with you. You call friends and they congratulate you, but in the end, what do they always celebrate about you?

Your age, of course. 
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Served With Love
by Julie Gunter

This Seattle restaurant family remains rooted in the traditions of the art of celebration. Though neither family member nor employee, I am welcomed as such, and fed. 
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Age With Grace Financially
by Sue Peterson, CFA

Seasons of life. Growth opportunities. Trials. Whatever one calls them, out of these experiences our character is formed. If we are so fortunate, we become acquainted with wisdom along the way. 
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